A. Locate the following information on the World Wide Web and bookmark the pages (using Mozilla Fire Fox browser).
1) Create a folder in your bookmarks called Internet Assignment.
2) Find and bookmark at least 5 searh engines and create a folder in your bookmarks file for them.
3) Find out what the weather forecast is for Dar es Salaam for next 5 days. Bookmark the page.
4) Locate and bookmark a download site for Google Chrome.
5) Locate and download AVAST antivirus software program, bookmark the page you download the program from.
6) Locate the page on the internet that defines facebook, youtube and twitter.
7) Locate and, bookmark and download the Windows 7 video features for an IBM ThinkPad T42.You need this because your laptop video does not work and the support from IBM told you to download this.
8) Search for an article named “Network Topologies” and bookmark file page when you find it.
B.Search and download from any page Internet Etiquette and save in Ms Word by the name Etiquette. Do
After completing all of the above exercises, save your bookmark file as your full name, send it (together with the work in B above separately) to your tutor gmail account as a file attachment to an e mail message. This work should reach him on 18 December 2013 4:00 pm or before.